Blog Les Emballées– Page 3– Next Chance
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In order to continue our primary mission which is to reduce waste generated both in production and consumption, Next Chance shares news and tips so that you can learn some things and be part of the change!

Blog Les Emballées

A new season means a new wind of change!

A new season means a new wind of change!

For many, the imminent arrival of fall means back to school and the return of the usual routine. That's true, but fall is also synonymous with cocooning, colorful leaves twirling on the ground, pumpkin lattes, candles that smell like apple pie... in short, you've probably guessed that we're a bit of fans of this beautiful season!     Un changement de saison est aussi l’occasion parfaite pour essayer de nouvelles...

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What's New at Next Chance?

What's New at Next Chance?

For many, summer equals going on vacation! For us, it's rather about new things going on... Yes we've been busy in the last few months! We like to fuel ourselves with innovation, which is what makes us flourish not only as a company, but also as entrepreneurs.   So here is a small overview of what is going in the Next Chance universe these days:   A breath of fresh...

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Doing your part, one gift at a time

Doing your part, one gift at a time

De plus en plus, au Québec et ailleurs dans le monde, on entend parler d’économie circulaire. Qu’est-ce que ça fait dans la vie ça? nous diras-tu. Sois rassuré.e, ça ne prend pas un baccalauréat en études de l’environnement pour comprendre le concept. Voici une définition bien simple : l’économie circulaire, c’est de repenser nos façons de faire pour optimiser la durée de vie de nos objets du quotidien, soit comment...

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4 tips to reduce food waste at the beginning of the year

4 tips to reduce food waste at the beginning of the year

With the holidays now behind us, the beginning of the year can be a great time to explore our consumption habits and try to find new ways to get us to waste less. Here are 5 tips to avoid throwing away our food, all year long!

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